I am a diabetic & BP patient since last 25 years & had also gone through an open heart bypass surgery 6 years back in Asian Heart Hospital. It all started 4 years back when I was struggling with my high BP, swollen legs & feet. That was the time, my kidney function had just started declining – what was more worrisome was the fact that I started urinating excessive protein. Despite the medications, I started feeling weaker day by day and my creatinine level started increasing slowly. Doctor strictly instructed to restrict salt and consume only 1 litre of water (including all liquids tea, coffee, dals etc.). I used to jokingly tell people that doctors always tell people not to take liquor and in my case they are telling me not to have water, salt and food – looks like I can only have air…! My family kept requesting me to walk but my body did not support me. I used to see my swollen legs and used to ask myself ‘’Am I dying slowly?’’
The nephrology doctors quickly identified that the kidney function was declining due to side effects of high sugars and blood pressure. The doctors recommended my family to attend a workshop in the Global Hospital which makes people aware about the whole process of dialysis and kidney transplant, types of dialysis, pros and cons of dialysis and kidney transplant. They also brief about the life expectancy of recipient & donor. After the workshop I was very clear that whatever was happening with my body was because my kidneys were not functioning properly. This workshop is an excellent initiative by Global Hospital because this workshop not only helps the people to understand dialysis and kidney transplant processes clearly but also helps the patient and patient’s family to take a call whether one wants to go for kidney transplant or dialysis. It also taught us how to cope with disease. We also understood more about kidney donation.
My serum creatinine gradually increased from 2.5 to 8.5 and the doctors’ team at Global Hospital discussed with my family about the option of going ahead with transplantation and who could be the donor of the kidney. My son without hesitation came forward and started working towardsthe same. It was a big shock to me that my son would be losing his one organ just for giving me a better life.I was very clear that I would never want my son’s kidney I would rather prefer dialysis. This is when I was also recommended to attend the workshop again to make me realise and understand that donating a kidney will not decrease the life expectancy of donor or have major implications on health. As my son & my family were clear that dialysis is not the right decision, thanks to the workshop arranged by Global hospital, my family and I could take the right decision for me. We all started the process for the transplant. It was a bit lengthy process due to various legal formalities. This is where the doctors’ team at Global Hospital played a very critical role – guiding us at each and every step, answering our questions, repeated questions with a smile was like god’s gift for us.
I underwent a successful kidney transplant surgery on 19th March 2019. I would really want to share my wonderful experience of this new life after kidney transplant. It’s been more than 12 months now my life has become superior in every way. My energy levels have gone up considerably. There are numerous positive changes in my life and my health which I can evidently observe and would like to share few of them which are:
- I feel very fit & active during the day
- I don’t feel drowsy & sleepy all the time, instead I have stopped sleeping in the afternoon.
- Before the transplant, I was sleeping 10 hours every night and waking up exhausted. I now wake up refreshed and recharged.
- No swelling in legs or feet
- I have started climbing stairs
- My haemoglobin levels are normal
- Now my creatinine level is always between 0.6 to 0.8.
- My skin colour has improved, along with the quality of my toe nails
- I feel absolutely fine mentally & physically
The battle is only half won yet. I have got a second chance at my life, thanks to my son, and the medical team. The other half of the battle starts now, where I take care of the precious gift that my son has given to me, by following the doctors’ instructions and living my life to the fullest in a healthy manner.
I would also request everyone reading this to register for organ donation, so that many more people get a chance to lead a healthy life once again.
By: Mr Ghanshyam Sachdev. (Transplant Recipient)