Narmada Kidney Foundation runs a campaign for creating awareness about Kidney Disease and Organ donation & its legality.
Kidney Disease Awareness Workshops
Narmada Kidney Foundation organizes Kidney disease awareness talks on an ongoing basis for its members and the general public. Kidney workshops are conducted at Global hospital, Parel, every Wednesday from 12.30 to 2.30 pm and at Anil clinic, Andheri every Saturday from 10 am to 11 am to guide patients with kidney disease. Besides the educational aspects, these Workshops offer an opportunity for patients to interact with other patients. Such interaction have been instrumental in helping patients cope up with Kidney failure.

Under the aegis of the Foundation, the following books have been published:
Kidney Failure – A guide for patients and their families
Transplantation – A Gift of Life
Diet in Chronic Renal Failure
Diet Workshop
Diet plays an important role in management of a Kidney patient. Planned diet has a beneficial effect in retarding the progress of kidney disease if followed at early stage. However patients neglect this aspect till kidney function becomes very poor.
In order to create awareness on this aspect, the foundation has been regularly organizing the diet workshops for Kidney disease. Here experts explain the principles of dietary modifications & dietitians give practical tips to follow those dietary principles.

Organ donation awareness lectures & Promotion of cadaver organ donation
India is facing acute shortage of organs for transplantation. Each year approximately 350,000 – 400,000 people develop kidney diseases. There are only around 1000 dialysis centres in India that cater to about 10,000 (about 2%) patients. Only 4000 – 5000 (about 1%) are fortunate to go for transplants each year in the whole country. So what happens to the remaining 97% of the patients? God only knows! At least 15 patients die every day waiting for organs and every 10 minutes a new name is added to this waiting list. Undoubtedly, the demand far outstrips the availability of organs. And no one can escape the harsh reality. Awareness on organ donation is therefore the only way out of this depressing scenario. The foundation works actively toward raising public awareness about organ donation. The foundation arranges regular organ donation awareness lectures & workshops at various corporate houses, organizations, schools, colleges & during various gatherings like Ganpati & Navratri festivals, camps, conferences etc.
Narmada Kidney Foundation had the privilege to educate and spread awareness on Organ Donation amongst the Mumbai Police in their 26 Zones including CID Office & Special Commando Force.
The foundation works actively with other organizations, NOTTO (National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization), ROTTO (Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization) and SOTTO (State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization) in its endeavour to promote cadaver organ donation and to spread awareness amongst the masses.
Skits for Awareness:
A Skit is a sugar coated form to convey the social message more effectively and create magical influence. Narmada Kidney Foundation has staged number of skits with an objective to create awareness about Kidney Diseases, Transplant & Organ Donation. The Skits are entertaining as well as educating. Hence this Edutainment is preferred by masses who are not familiar to lectures.

Video Channel
YouTube channel of Narmada Kidney Foundation is aimed to educate people about Kidneys, Kidney Care, Prevention of Kidney Disease & to create awareness about Organ Donation. Educating & Entertaining Videos are uploaded on the channel at regular intervals, The channel has good number of subscribers & viewers all over the globe. One can subscribe the channel free & also suggest relatives & friends to view this channel which is run with a cause.
The effective communication is one of the key for creating Awareness. On the dawn of New Year 2018, Narmada Kidney Foundation open this platform to interact on Kidney Disease, Treatments, Organ Donation, Success stories of Transplant Patients etc. Every week two new posts are uploaded on the Blog and the Foundation encourages people to subscribe, comment & share the Blog to friends, relatives & colleagues.

Radio Programs
Narmada Kidney Foundation initiated to start a Radio Program “Kidney Health Series” on 107.1 FM Rainbow Channel in public interest. The Series was almost 4 years on Air with 227 episodes. Doctors & experts guided the listeners about Kidney Disease, Treatment Options, Organ Donation & other Kidney related subjects. Transplant patients were also invited on the show to narrate their ‘Success Stories’.
Participation in Public Events
For creating awareness about kidney care & organ donation, Narmada Kidney Foundation participate in various public events like Mumbai Marathon, Walkathon, Women’s Car Rallye.

Narmada Kidney Foundation creates awareness at various Exhibition Sites, Conferences, Public Gatherings. Public awareness is done through Banners, Brochures, Books etc. The Organ Donors Card are made available in the stalls.