30th November is Organ Donors’ Day (ODD)
Donating a part of the body to save the life of on organ failure patient is an act of great sacrifice and generosity. Such donors need to be publicly recognized for their act of altruism. Narmada Kidney Foundation (NKF) was the first organization in the country to initiate this activity. The first program was on November 30, 1997, when shri Sunil Dutt, renowned actor and social activist was the chief guest. Since then, every year this program which we call “Organ Donors’ Day” (ODD) is being celebrated on 30th November.
After the Transplant Act was passed in 1994 and transplant rules framed in 1995, deceased (cadaver) donor transplant program started in Maharashtra. The first deceased donor transplant was performed in 1997. Since then, there has been growing awareness about organ donation and number of deceased donor transplants have significantly increased. On ODD the family members of deceased donors are also felicitated.
The felicitation of the living donors and family members of deceased donors is done by awarding a certificate and presenting a trophy in the presence of their recipient, family members, friends, guests, and the doctors who made transplant possible. There is also an entertainment program.
There are different programs celebrated in the country and the world to create awareness about organ donation. For example, in India, Organ donation day is celebrated on 13th August and 27th November. USA observes National Donor Day on February 14 and Europe observes European Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation on 10th October. While main emphasis of all these programs is to create awareness about organ donation, the main emphasis of NKF ODD is to recognize donors for their true act of altruism.